Sunday, April 6, 2014

Why I'm Mad About The James Franco Scandal

James Franco thought it was a smart idea to try to seduce a 17 year old girl from Scotland to get a room with him at a hotel. He met her after one of his performances in the be Broadway play Of Mice and Men. When I found out what happened I was actually pissed and it wasn't because of Franco's actions I was annoyed at the girl.

I know that might sound insane but she had the chance to have James Franco. I mean seriously why did she have to question him and make him into this creepy guy. What people fail to realize is that the age of consent in New York City is 17 so he wasn't breaking a law, he was just trying to get laid. Now she ruined the opportunity for the rest of us to get him so thanks for that.

This literally could've happened to me that's the worst thing about this "scandal." Two weeks ago me and my mom went to New York to see his play and after I pushed and squeezed through people to get a glimpse Franco's handsomeness. I ended up talking to him and asking him to take a picture with me. We took a classic selfie and later when I uploaded it to Instagram I tagged him in the picture just as the girl did with her video she took.

 The only difference was that my account was on private so if he wanted to look at my other pictures he wouldn't be able to. Maybe if my Instagram wasn't private I would've been the one hooking up with James Franco and you can bet your bottoms dollar I wouldn't pass up that opportunity to hook up with him.

(I bet you can't say your on James Franco's Instagram. Even though you can't see my face I'm the one in the blue plaid trying to get his attention of course)