Brown Eyed Girl
Sunday, May 4, 2014
Thoughts You Have During Finals Week
It's finally the time when everyone gets absolutely no sleep, loading up on pounds of coffee is the norm, and when procrastination becomes your best friend. You guessed it it's finals week, the only thing that sucks about going to college. But as every semester comes to an end these are some of the thoughts you may have while your "preparing" to take your finals.
Finals week can make even the most confident person have a melt down on what their doing with their life. We just think why do I do this to myself? I should drop out of school and become a porn star. Obviously I'm just joking.
Finals week can make even the most confident person have a melt down on what their doing with their life. We just think why do I do this to myself? I should drop out of school and become a porn star. Obviously I'm just joking.
Sunday, April 6, 2014
Why I'm Mad About The James Franco Scandal
James Franco thought it was a smart idea to try to seduce a 17 year old girl from Scotland to get a room with him at a hotel. He met her after one of his performances in the be Broadway play Of Mice and Men. When I found out what happened I was actually pissed and it wasn't because of Franco's actions I was annoyed at the girl.
I know that might sound insane but she had the chance to have James Franco. I mean seriously why did she have to question him and make him into this creepy guy. What people fail to realize is that the age of consent in New York City is 17 so he wasn't breaking a law, he was just trying to get laid. Now she ruined the opportunity for the rest of us to get him so thanks for that.
This literally could've happened to me that's the worst thing about this "scandal." Two weeks ago me and my mom went to New York to see his play and after I pushed and squeezed through people to get a glimpse Franco's handsomeness. I ended up talking to him and asking him to take a picture with me. We took a classic selfie and later when I uploaded it to Instagram I tagged him in the picture just as the girl did with her video she took.
The only difference was that my account was on private so if he wanted to look at my other pictures he wouldn't be able to. Maybe if my Instagram wasn't private I would've been the one hooking up with James Franco and you can bet your bottoms dollar I wouldn't pass up that opportunity to hook up with him.
(I bet you can't say your on James Franco's Instagram. Even though you can't see my face I'm the one in the blue plaid trying to get his attention of course)
I know that might sound insane but she had the chance to have James Franco. I mean seriously why did she have to question him and make him into this creepy guy. What people fail to realize is that the age of consent in New York City is 17 so he wasn't breaking a law, he was just trying to get laid. Now she ruined the opportunity for the rest of us to get him so thanks for that.
This literally could've happened to me that's the worst thing about this "scandal." Two weeks ago me and my mom went to New York to see his play and after I pushed and squeezed through people to get a glimpse Franco's handsomeness. I ended up talking to him and asking him to take a picture with me. We took a classic selfie and later when I uploaded it to Instagram I tagged him in the picture just as the girl did with her video she took.
(I bet you can't say your on James Franco's Instagram. Even though you can't see my face I'm the one in the blue plaid trying to get his attention of course)
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
It's Going Down I'm Yelling Tinder!
I’m 21 I never know what to do when I’m home because I don’t know the places
that are “good” to go to. My high school friends don’t really help in this,
trying to making plans is basically back and forth texting saying “what should
we do” then “I don’t care I’ll do anything.” In my fantasies I picture myself
going out to a really fun bar but the reality is me putting Let It Go on repeat
while I eat the entire continents in my fridge.
I made the executive decision to join Tinder. If you haven’t heard of Tinder
yet it’s a dating app that let’s you swipe if you like or dislike someone. When
two people swipe like then you become a match and you can start messaging each
other if you want.
At first I was like Woooo this is fun while I was swiping through the pictures. I was mostly swiping dislike because all of the people were a little too old for my dating liking. Eventually I got three matches but then doom sent in, how do I start conversation. Already deemed “The Worst Texter” by all my friends I was at a loss on how to start and keep a conversation especially since we have never met before. I guess that’s the beauty of it getting to reinvent yourself to a stranger for a while. It also makes you look closely at yourself. How are people seeing you by five pictures? They don’t know anything about you but make an assumption about who you are by what you look like.
At first I was like Woooo this is fun while I was swiping through the pictures. I was mostly swiping dislike because all of the people were a little too old for my dating liking. Eventually I got three matches but then doom sent in, how do I start conversation. Already deemed “The Worst Texter” by all my friends I was at a loss on how to start and keep a conversation especially since we have never met before. I guess that’s the beauty of it getting to reinvent yourself to a stranger for a while. It also makes you look closely at yourself. How are people seeing you by five pictures? They don’t know anything about you but make an assumption about who you are by what you look like.

What if were swiping past the great guys because were to busy paying attention to what they look like on the outside?
Friday, March 14, 2014
CMA 2014 Conference
These past three days I had the opportunity to go to the CMA conference which stands for College Media Association. It offers workshops and speakers to students across the U.S who are interested in being apart of the media industry when they graduate.
Wednesday we got to New York City early and had the whole day to explore. No city will ever compare to New York, there is just this energy that pulses through the streets that brings you along with it. Called "the city that never sleeps" there is something always going on and interesting people to look at as well. Me and my three friends who all came for the conference got to be on VH1 just by walking by at the right moment. My teacher even got to meet Chris Rock at MoMa.
Even though it's great being on TV or meeting a celebrity the real reason I got to skip three days of midterms was for the conference. The conference was such an amazing eye opening experience for me because it showed how many opportunities there truly are. I got to talk to Bonnie Fuller, who was Editor in Chief for Cosmopolitan, Glamour, Marie Claire, and many more magazines. It's crazy how much these people have accomplished. Listening to these professional media correspondents it makes you feel inspired and it's that extra push that tells you to just keep going you can make your dreams come true.
Isn't that all we truly want? It doesn't matter if you want to work in the media, be a teacher, personal trainer, or even be a parent everyone wants their innermost dreams to come true. I know it may sound cheesy but anything is possible. It's going to be hard, your going to want to give up at times but you have to stick it out because with enough passion you can't fail.
I'm so grateful I was able to attend this conference because although I'm scared as hell for the future and I don't know exactly what I want to do this has given me the push to keep moving forward.
Never Ever Give Up...
Wednesday we got to New York City early and had the whole day to explore. No city will ever compare to New York, there is just this energy that pulses through the streets that brings you along with it. Called "the city that never sleeps" there is something always going on and interesting people to look at as well. Me and my three friends who all came for the conference got to be on VH1 just by walking by at the right moment. My teacher even got to meet Chris Rock at MoMa.
Even though it's great being on TV or meeting a celebrity the real reason I got to skip three days of midterms was for the conference. The conference was such an amazing eye opening experience for me because it showed how many opportunities there truly are. I got to talk to Bonnie Fuller, who was Editor in Chief for Cosmopolitan, Glamour, Marie Claire, and many more magazines. It's crazy how much these people have accomplished. Listening to these professional media correspondents it makes you feel inspired and it's that extra push that tells you to just keep going you can make your dreams come true.
Isn't that all we truly want? It doesn't matter if you want to work in the media, be a teacher, personal trainer, or even be a parent everyone wants their innermost dreams to come true. I know it may sound cheesy but anything is possible. It's going to be hard, your going to want to give up at times but you have to stick it out because with enough passion you can't fail.
I'm so grateful I was able to attend this conference because although I'm scared as hell for the future and I don't know exactly what I want to do this has given me the push to keep moving forward.
Never Ever Give Up...
Never Give Up,
New York
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
Stand Tall It Gets A Little Better
You never
know when the most shocking things are going to happen because they just happen
without notice and right then and there your knocked off your feet.
Tonight my
friend that I have known from freshmen year of college is dropping out of
school and going home tomorrow. She’s not dropping out because of grades she’s
dropping out because she isn’t mentally stable to continue.
The words
that came out of her mouth made the room fall silent. “I haven’t been feeling
myself” and how she hasn’t been sleeping well lately. What teared me to the
core was when she said that she was depressed and was having suicidal thoughts.
When your
friend that you care about says that you think about how you could have been so
oblivious to not have seen this coming. Your room is right next to her!! She
hasn’t wanted to go out as much this semester. I wrote it off as not wanting to
do anything because she just started dating this guy. I knew she wasn’t
sleeping but I thought maybe she was just thinking too much and I noticed she
was around the house more; less time in class.
I guess
there are a lot of things that I SHOULD HAVE seen but didn’t but there is
honestly nothing I could have done or planned for this to have happened. She
said she did a good job of hiding it from everyone. She didn’t tell anyone. I
don’t know how people do that, keeping a huge secret like that. Embarrassed was
the word she described her situation. How can you be embarrassed it’s not your
fault even though it seems like it is.
The worst
part is I don’t know whether I’m going to see her again. She’s leaving tomorrow
and I don’t know when she’s coming back. It hasn’t fully set in yet that I’m
not going to see her going into the bathroom every morning, dance with her
during pregame,’s and get annoyed with her like I would any friend. I wish I
could have helped her. I hope she knows she’s not alone; it’s so easy to feel
alone, to get caught up in something that you can’t handle it. I don’t even
know how to act around her anymore.
Do I act normal?
Do I act extra gentle?
you feel like you’re the only one suffering that every has this perfect life
while your sitting there struggling but if you look a little closer not
everything is the way it seems. Appreciate the people your around everyday even
stranger’s even at their worst points because you never know the pain they
carry with them.
Saturday, March 1, 2014
Quarter Life Crisis
What am I
doing with my life is a question I ask myself on a daily basis. As I was
sitting with my advisor this week he asked me what I wanted to do when I
graduated. Even though I’m only a junior and I have one more year to make the
crucial decision I drew a blank. Who ever thought this huge responsibility
should be thrust upon everyone’s shoulders when there still trying to figure
out themselves should be smacked in the face.
I’m just 21
years old and I feel like I should have a set plan for the rest of my life.
Everyone seems to be moving forward but my actions feel more like one small
step forward then getting pushed two big steps back.
There is
this one girl who goes to my school and she recently went to New York Fashion
Week. She actually got the opportunity to see Rebecca Taylor’s fashion show and
interview an E! News correspondent. I decided to look on her blog and I
discovered she also went to Tokyo last month. Seriously Tokyo?!? I felt like I
was watching an episode of Gossip Girl because it felt so surreal but no it was
real life.
I guess in
this generation it’s so easy to look at someone your age or even younger and
compare yourself to what their doing and how far they have come. What ends up
happening is that you feel bad for everything that hasn’t been accomplished or
what didn’t work out. It's safe to say that I'm scared of what the future holds because I want to make it a good one but I would regret if I didn't obtain my goals and dreams.
Why is it
that we take for granted everything we have achieved in life and only see the empty
promises of what we think we should’ve have done by now?
Saturday, February 22, 2014
Friends You Need To Let Go Of
In life we come into contact with many people, some become
life long friends others are only here for a short ride. Many people hold on to friendships because they are scared to let go you think about how you’ve been
friends forever. You can’t give up on someone because what if they gave up on you? But
sometimes you have to break up with friends because it is causing you pointless
problems that add stress to your life. Here are some friends that you likely have in your life that you need to let go:
1. The Frenemy- This friend is one you love to hate. They could be friends with your friends or you have known them since high school but
there is something off about your relationship. They seem to be rooting for
your successes but they are secretly cheering inside when you fail. When something great
happens to you they have to one up your accomplishment with one of their own.
Little things like throwing jabs about your clothes or your physical appearance
that leaves you feeling powerless.
This person is the hardest to let go because when she is kind and amazing you see the person you wish she could be all the time. But no one should be friends with someone only when they are true friends half of the time.
2. Green Monster- Everyone
has dealt with the little green monster commonly known as jealously in their
life at one point or another. But when jealously becomes out of control it can
sabotage friendships. It can go as far as making you feel bad about yourself so
they can feel better about themselves. They use tactics that will hurt you
because they are insecure about themselves and feel threatened by you.
3. User- This person only seems to contact you when they
need something from you. You know they
only want you for a certain reason but in your mind you may think they
genuinely like you but it’s a one-way friendship that is only benefitting one of you.
4. Dirty Ditcher- Just as the name suggests this friend
always seems to make plans with you but at the last minute something always
comes up. You honestly can’t remember the last time you two have hung out from
all the times they cancelled on you. Not only do you end up feeling bad for
making plans that never follow through it wastes your time and energy that you
could be using for someone who actually cares.
5. Self-Centered- This person’s motto is it’s their way or
the highway, which basically means it’s all about them or no friendship at all.
No relationship or friendship will sustain the test of time if one person makes all the
decisions and only cares about themselves.
Even though it’s good to be a little selfish there has to be
some give and take in relationships of all kinds. It can’t be about you 24/7
because that is painfully annoying for everyone else to have to deal with.
I can bet you that she’s talking about you behind your back
as well.
7. The Limiter- As life goes on people change into the
people they were meant to be but some people want you to stay exactly the way
you were. These people limit your growth as a person because they are afraid of
what your going to become and by changing you may grow apart.
It sounds sweet that this friend doesn’t want you to grow
apart but by them not letting you grow your missing out on the person who you were
meant to become.
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