Monday, December 2, 2013

Finding An Internship: More Difficult Than It Looks

When I was told I had to get an internship for my major I immediately thought of Carrie in Sex and The City with her Christian Louboutin shoes strutting around the city or maybe I would intern for Cosmopolitan magazine meeting handsome celebrities everyday.

But so far finding an internship has been quite difficult. I am seriously clueless of what I have to do and where to look and the only advice my advisor told me was to look online. When he said that I wanted to slap the grin off his face.

I was expecting some help in this process, not to just be thrown into the mix without any direction or help. So I took his advice and started looking online but the problem was most of these places didn't sound interesting. Maybe it was my mindset of having a glamorous life in the city that makes me question every internship inquiry that I look at.

But now I realize that these shows and fantasy's that have been put into my head are probably never going to happen ever. What I never realized was how much competition there is when applying for internships. If you think your the only girl who dreams of working for Cosmo or Glamour you are in for a shock because thousands of girls want the same things you do and might be more qualified than you.

So far my quest has been very boring with emailing companies trying to compose a Cover Letter is one of the most confusing things in this process. Do I stick to the template or do I really put my personality in it? What can make me stand apart?

I know it may sound cliche but I want to have a true learning experience not something that is too easy. I want to be challenged, I want to fail, and even though I was scared as hell I think I would be an amazing asset to any company I work at.

Wish me luck!

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