Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Liking Your Guy Friends

They see the best of you and they also see the worst of you. When your around them you don’t have to  try you can be yourself. The best part you were friends first before you started liking them.
Your feelings may come on suddenly or they might grow slowly but it happens you know. You know when you see them or hangout with them you want to be with them. But questions fill your head like What if he doesn’t like me or What if I ruin our friendship?
I have never liked any of my guy friends but one of my friends from school lets call her Alice started talking to one of our guy friends Tyler. It all started good with them hooking up but then it turned sour.  He told her he didn’t want a commitment but ended up leading her on for a long time.
As time went by Alice resented Tyler for stringing her along so she ended it. A week later Tyler had a new girlfriend after that moment things between our guy friends would never be the same. I felt like I had to pick a side and obviously I chose Alice’s side but I still cared about Tyler.
With picking one side I felt and still feel that my relationship with the boys went downhill because of that relationship. I’m not blaming either one of them for trying because what if it worked out we wouldn’t be having this conversation right now.
I feel like I can’t be friends with the guys because that shows her that I’m not being loyal to her feelings. It’s a catch 22 I’m damned either way whatever choice I make someone feelings will get hurt. I’m not going to stop being friends with Tyler and all the guys but I have to support my friend.
If your friend doesn’t understand you wanting to be friends with their enemy you need to look inside yourself and ask Is this someone you want to be friends with? Because if you can’t understand someone else’s reasons you should evaluate if you want this person in your life still.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Push Past It

I love awkward moments like when you don't know anyone in your classes or your alone at the bar because it forces you to push past your boundaries. This makes you realize that you are capable of so much more then you give yourself credit for.

As much I love being with my friends I secretly like being on my own. From being thrust into certain situations I have more confidence in myself because I just go for things that I wouldn't have in the security blanket of my friends. So instead of waiting for that cute guy to come up to you at a party go up to him or if you want to talk to the person next to you in Chem just do it. You don't need your friends or anyone else to do what you want.

Some people need reassurance to do things and that is alright but not all the time because if you always rely more on others than yourself you will be disappointed a lot. Were not five years old needing training wheels, we have to act like adults and live our life accordingly.

I'm not going to lie sometimes my tactics don't work and I look like an idoit. But that's okay at least I tried that is more then other people do. When a risk pays off it is the greatest feeling and that open you up to try even more. It's like a domino affect that never ends. As Eleanor Roosevelt said "You must do the things you think you cannot do" 

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Signs You Over think Too Much

There are some people who don't really go into the little details in life and then there are the opposite of that, the people who analyze every single thing. I'm unfortunately that type of person and here are some things that me and all the other over thinkers are guilty of:

1. Falling asleep at night is a struggle because random thoughts pop into your mind by the second and you can't fall asleep until you figure it out. Like trying to remember that girl's name who sat next you in the fifth grade. You know it's pointless information but you HAVE to know this person name or it will be the death of you. Or when you start thinking about the following day and what you have to do which basically causes anxiety and nervousness from the all the stuff you have to accomplish.

2. Your friends know that if you haven't contributed to the conversation they assume your deep in thought about something. Which for the most part is true.

3. In order to stay organized you have to make multiple lists of what needs to be done for the day. This includes what time to eat, workout, socialize. Yes that does sound crazy but it works but you don't want to be there if something wasn't checked off the list because I'm going to explode.

4. You think about the past decisions on the regular. Did I make the right decision? Would I be the person I am today without making that choice? These are questions I normally ask myself.

5. When your friends tell you about their problems you automatically imagine you were in their place and come up with scenarios about what you would do.

6. If you see people looking at you while out anywhere you instantly think that something is on your face or something has to be wrong with you.

7. When someone you know subtweets you think that it's about you even you didn't do anything wrong.

8. You analyze what people say face to face or through text. "He sent heyy with two y's what does that mean?" Little things that others don't pay attention to you obsess over it like it's a secret code or something.

Monday, January 20, 2014


In life we are always looking for safety and comfort but everything we want is on the outside walls of our comfort zones. We have these safe havens that protect us against the world but we have to understand we have to live without fear.

This semester I'm being extremely optimistic that good things will happen to me and the people around me. They can and will happen if I let them. That's the key word if I let change my future because I have to be willing to alter my life to make it better with the chance I might be making a mistake.

Of course there will be problems because the road is never clear the entire journey has obstacles along along the way that teach us something. We have to remember the journey is the destination.

I may get off course this year but I want to be able to regain control in times of havoc. The way I feel right now I want to remember because I feel full of promise and hope that I can change myself and the world for the better.

Fearless. This doesn't mean I have no fear it means that I have fear but I fight with all I have through it to live my life to the fullest. I want to go after things that I never would think I would go for. I rather take the chance then look back thinking about what I didn't do.

Rarely you regret things that you have said or done but the things you didn't say or didn't do will always be forever imprinted in your mind as what if I did that. Those what if's will eat you alive.

As scary as it sounds every decision we make turns us the people we were meant to be and has the ability to change the future. Choose wisely....

Friday, January 17, 2014

21 Going On 13

Looking eight years younger than your actual age is not only humiliating but also it's depressing. It is especially embarrassing when your trying to buy alcohol and the cashier looks at my ID then at me for a good five minutes to make sure that these are the same two people. Finally the cashier deems the ID real but before she rings me up she screams to the entire liquor store "You can't be 21 you look 13 years old."

"Yeah I get that a lot" is my go to response because I don't know if I should say thanks or convince them my age. People mistaking my age happens the majority of the time. At doctor and dermatologist appointments the nurses always ask where my Mom is and why she isn't in the room with me.

I guess I understand why people think I'm so young because during the week you can always catch me rocking the natural look. A little blush, lipgloss, lashes curled, and sometimes eyeliner on my waterline is the go to routine. Even though it can be annoying be mistaken for someone just starting in high school when I'm actually a junior in college it also is kind of funny.

When I meet people when I go to the bars or parties at school sometimes people won't recognize me at first without my glamourous makeup across my eyelids. After they register who I am they sometimes comment how I look different then when I'm going out. Which seems like a backhanded compliment to me but that's not going to make me come to class in a full face of makeup.

For now my baby face may seem like a nuisance but in ten years I may be lucky to look 21. Forget about that microscopic wrinkle on your forehead you can't see it yet. What you should be thinking about is trying to get the kids menu while your out to eat because when do we ever get the time to go back to being kids again?

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Messy Roommates 101

As winter break is coming to an end I'm getting excited to go back to school but I'm less giddy about having to deal with the mess that my roommates cause. I live with six girls, half the house are neat and organized and the other half I don't really know what they do. But I know they absolutely do not clean up all the time. These are some of the things that happen when living with messy roommates.

1. Cleaning up every weekend after going out- As your slaving over the dishes and cleaning whatever mixed drink you had the night before your roommates aren't paying any attention. Instead they have been sitting on their butts for the past three hours watching Parks and Rec on Netflix.
Sometimes they have the nerve to ask me to get something for them like a drink.

These are the times that I think I'm on Punk'd and I want to scream out "Ashton where are you?" The reality is he never shows up but one day he might.

2. The Kitchen becomes a monster- When I say the kitchen takes on a unique form I'm not joking. What I mean by this is that my roommates are prone to leave their food for multiple days at a time. Food can sit on the stove, table, and even the floor there is no spot that my roommates won't try to leave their food. Some days I come down the stairs wondering if last weeks mac and cheese is going to be joining me for breakfast or if it's going to attack me in my sleep.

Not to mention it also smells rancid in there. Yes it is that bad. But after they smell their rotten food they  like to comment how bad it smells as if it was me leaving my food out for the tooth fairy.

3. Borrowing things- I have learned this the hard way don't let your messy friends borrow your clothes. It will become the biggest hassle of your life because once your clothing goes into their jungle of a room it most likely won't see the light of day.

After you haven't seen your shirt in weeks you finally ask where is it and the response you get back is "You must have missed placed it." Yeah right is all I have to say.

5. You don't know how to tell people they need to clean- It is hard telling people they have to clean because then it makes it seem you are a cleaning nazi or have OCD or your just a bitch. And no one wants to be a bitch. You can say it nicely but it won't get your point across, your roommates would probably make fun of you if you left passive notes around the house, and if you yelled at them they would get mad.

I guess it's a lose lose situation. Have fun cleaning the dishes Cinderella!

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Why I Will Always Love One Tree Hill

1. Chad Michael Murray- 

This show started my love for the actor Chad Michael Murray. When I was younger I would cut out magazine pictures of him and put it all over my walls in my room. When I would watch the show Lucas just seemed like the perfect guy that any girl would want to date. He ends up getting with a lot of the girls on the show and I would rather eat soap then share him with other girls so Luke would be mine only.

Lucas also loved reading which made me adore him even more when he would say famous quotes that really made you think. I would never get tired if Lucas would read me some poetry every night while he would be scoring for the Ravens.

I will never understand why Brooke denied having the chance to be with Lucas exclusively in season three but chooses Chris Keller the singer instead. How stupid can you get B-Davis. (P.S I still love you Brooke)  Lucas is the perfect guy because of his heart and although some may say he is a player I believe that he just wants a deep connection. Also I don't trust anyone who can genuinely resist when Chad gives one of his smirk smiles or one of his brooding looks that he has mastered.

2. I do love Nathan and Jake too but I have a weakness for Lucas

3. The Drama- I swear this show can be so tragic at times but I'm not going to lie I love the anticipation of all the juicy secrets and drama that unfolds. Each episode people's crushes get switched, people break up, or reunite you never know what is going to happen next.

I swear not one person's life is stable at all times.

I also thought that it's strange that most of the characters have troubled family life. Lucas' dad left him, Peyton's mom died and her father is always away, Brooke's parents are never around, Nathan's dad is a evil person, and Haley's parents left after she got married.

4. Friendships- The relationships between Brooke and Peyton is something girls can relate to in their lives. Sometimes in life friendships gets tested by liking the same guys or other life events. Even though Peyton and Brooke both liked Lucas they realized that their friendship was more important then being with Lucas no matter how hot he is.

The friendships on this series is real nothing is always easy especially when your in high school people get tested in all different ways. It's not like the shows on these days that don't show the ugly sides to woman's friendships. I loved I had something to relate to when I had a problem this show literally covered ever problem from almost being raped, taking drugs, getting married, family and friend problems, and relationships issues as well.

5. Sports- 

Everyone loves sports and Tree Hill's love for basketball gave all viewers something to enjoy. I'm not going to lie while I have been watching the show I've have had this urge to go play basketball. Even though I am terrible and there's snow on the ground there's something about watching the game that makes you want to play too.

Plus one of the best characters is Coach Whitey with his wise words and tough love on and off the field. I love the way Whitey always stands up to Dan and gives Lucas a chance at playing for the Ravens which changes his life. He helps his players and students grow into the people they were meant to be with his guidance. Coach Whitey also shows us that although the people we love might be gone they are never forgotten like his deceased wife Camilla.

 One of my favorite quotes that Coach Whitey says is " There's no shame in being afraid. Hell, we're all afraid. What you gotta do is figure out what you're afraid of because when you put a face on it you can beat it. Better yet, you can use it."

6. Lessons- I think the writers wanted a message for every episode Mouth said in one episode "We all have regrets Peyton but some of us still have enough time to erase them" I just love that quote because we may not be able to change our past we can still change the future.
7. I Don't Wanna Be By Gavin DeGraw- If you don't know the lyrics to this song as a One Tree Hill fan something has to be wrong with you. During my middle school days this song was like my anthem and even when I hear it now I can't help but belt out the words that can relate to any person. As we get older we change and we want to be what we are now NOT what we were in the past or have to worry about our future self we want to live in the now.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

The Art Of Texting

I truly believe that there are unwritten rules about how to text people and what to say. These rules I haven't quite figured out yet but from asking my friends and seeing what they do this is what I've come up with. 

1. The Use of LOL- I get confused when people use lol in daily conversations. It's meaning is laughing out loud but when I burst out laughing from a text I tend to accidently spit on the people next to me while obnoxiously giggling like a school girl. Lol is like one of those people who always laughs at your jokes to try to be polite even when your not funny. 

People use lol in the most perplexing ways, example: when I tell my friend "I'm watching TV" and they respond "me too lol". What makes us watching TV separately so funny?

Another time that lol shouldn't be used is when your fighting with someone through texting. When someone responses to me "fine lol" I feel like their provoking me and I get even more angry. Inside my head I'm saying "Oh you think this is funny I'll show you." 

2. The Use of Ending a Sentence with a Period- I don't know who decided that the use of periods means that your angry with someone or your being short with them. Some days I want to end my sentences with a period. I just want some punctuation in my life people!

3. Smiley Faces- I never got this one. My roommates would always urge me (they have stopped thank god!) to send these smiley faces to guys I was talking to. I just felt creepy when I sent them because I felt like I was a disturbed old man saying "Want some candy?" 

I know it wasn't that serious but the sideways smile or worse the winky face never sat right with me.

4. Lying About Your Plans- This is a tricky one but a scenario many of us have to deal with. One night you end up not having plans and a guy or girl asks you what your doing for the night but your plans were to sit on your couch and eat the entire contents of your kitchen. 

Your already feeling like a loser so you end up lying to them saying something like your going out with your friends or you don't know anything yet. Anything other than the fact you don't have plans. 

Even though I sometimes lie I don't understand the point of lying were allowed to hangout home alone if we want or go party all the time. It's our choice we shouldn't have to lie because of others preconceived thoughts.

5. Waiting to Answer a Text- When I get a text and I see it I try to respond in a timely manner unless I forget which tend to happen a lot. Some people have a method were they wait how long the other person took to answer them back. I think that's silly because there wasting time waiting to answer when they could just be usig that time to talk to the person. 

Maybe I'll never understand the rules and that's why I will most likely be dubbed the worst texter for life lol totes ttly xoxo Adrianna

Thursday, January 9, 2014

We Used To Be Best Friends

You never think it's going to happen until it does. It must have gotten bad if you finally realize that you and your best friend have grown apart.

Maybe it hit when of your "best friend" mentions in a conversation that she's been dating someone for more than a week and never thought to tell you about it. Or when they don't assume that were hanging out on the weekend anymore it's always "what are you doing tonight?"

This makes me feel like a dumb-ass because in my mind my plans are your plans too. But as you get older people have separate lives they grow apart. I never thought I could ever imagine growing apart from friends that I have had since the seventh grade let alone letting them go out of my life.

There comes a point if a friend is making you miserable and do things to purposely hurt your feelings you have to step back and think about if this friendship is worth it. People compare their lives to movies or shows and how relationships work on screen myself included. But we need to realize those are fictional nothing is always perfect no matter how great a friendship or relationship is it will never be perfect. So we all need to stop comparing ourselves to others because it can rob us of our own freedom.

Letting go of a friend is kind of like a break up and although I don't want to break up with my best friend but I have realized she doesn't deserve the title best friend anymore.It doesn't mean she won't be in my life it just means she won't know the insider scoop of my life. And that's okay it's not her fault with life things change constantly and we have to decide what works for us best in that moment.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

The 25 Best Things In The World

1. Haircuts- Nothing beats a good hair day

2. Free Samples- Who ever deny's free samples shouldn't be trusted. Free samples are god's gift to the world.

3. Snuggling with your pet-  Here's my big baby Butterfly.

4. Singing in the car

5. When you find money in pockets, purses, whatever....SCORE!!

6. Naps- I don't know what I would do without naps I love them.

7. Man Candy- Ryan Gosling, Chuck Bass, Ashton Kutcher to name some of favorite men who NEVER get old to look at

8. That moment you finish a tough workout- sweat poring down your body like someone once said "no pain no gain"

9. Checking the mail and seeing your favorite magazines

10. Spending the day reading a book

11. Being at the beach with the sand beneath your feet

12. Having a glass of wine after a long day

13. A perfect selfie

14. Hugs

15. Just being with friends

16. Rainy day movies

17.  Raw Cookie Dough or warm cookies

18. The morning after a night out reminiscing with my roommates

19. When your song comes on when your out and you know it's going to be good night

20. Dancing like no one is watching- even if everyone is watching your awesome dance moves

21. Birthday Parties

22. Snuggling

23. Football

24. Accepting silence between close friends 

25. Laughing till you can't breathe

Friday, January 3, 2014

Why I Love Being Snowed In

It's that time of year where the snow magically accumulates over night leaving kids with snow days and no work for their parents. Although being snowed in means you can't go anywhere because the roads are too slippery it is an excuse to do whatever you want.

This can sometimes mean doing absolutely nothing all. day. long.

1. Movie and TV Shows All Day: 
I use these days to lay in bed as much as possible watching shows that I need to catch up on and this time I will be watching one of my favorite series One Tree Hill. I'm only on season two out of seven seasons. But that's the beauty of today I can procrastinate all I want because there isn't much to do. I realized this is why Netflix was created.

2. Shoveling: Except when my mom tells me I have to go shovel outside. I have a love/hate relationship with shoveling since I have gotten older. I whine minutes before going outside about how cold it's going to be but once I get out there I love the peacefulness of the snow and how I can tune everyone out to just think.

3. Hot Chocolate: After I get done shoveling my mom makes me a delicious cup of Ghirardelli hot chocolate with whipped cream and shards of dark chocolate chips in it. Having it reminds me of being a little kid.

4. Going Outside: If your feeling really adventurous you can go play outside and bring out your inner kid. Playing in the snow when your older can be just as fun or even more fun when your older.

5. Eating: Today is an excuse to eat whatever you want. Screw New Year diets and eat whatever today you deserve it. I love making cookies but in my case basically means eating half of the cookie dough before it even goes in the oven.

6. Read A Book: If your a person who says they don't have to read this is the day to do so. I love getting warped into a book forgetting about the real world for a little while.

7. Bed: Today my bed has arms and it never wants to let me leave and I am totally okay with that. Snuggling up in all of blankets just relaxing with not a care in the world.

Have a happy lay in bed and watch Netflix day!!