2. Free Samples- Who ever deny's free samples shouldn't be trusted. Free samples are god's gift to the world.
3. Snuggling with your pet- Here's my big baby Butterfly.
4. Singing in the car
5. When you find money in pockets, purses, whatever....SCORE!!
6. Naps- I don't know what I would do without naps I love them.
7. Man Candy- Ryan Gosling, Chuck Bass, Ashton Kutcher to name some of favorite men who NEVER get old to look at
8. That moment you finish a tough workout- sweat poring down your body like someone once said "no pain no gain"
9. Checking the mail and seeing your favorite magazines
10. Spending the day reading a book
11. Being at the beach with the sand beneath your feet
12. Having a glass of wine after a long day
13. A perfect selfie
14. Hugs
15. Just being with friends
16. Rainy day movies
17. Raw Cookie Dough or warm cookies
18. The morning after a night out reminiscing with my roommates
19. When your song comes on when your out and you know it's going to be good night
20. Dancing like no one is watching- even if everyone is watching your awesome dance moves
21. Birthday Parties
22. Snuggling
23. Football
24. Accepting silence between close friends
25. Laughing till you can't breathe
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