Saturday, January 11, 2014

The Art Of Texting

I truly believe that there are unwritten rules about how to text people and what to say. These rules I haven't quite figured out yet but from asking my friends and seeing what they do this is what I've come up with. 

1. The Use of LOL- I get confused when people use lol in daily conversations. It's meaning is laughing out loud but when I burst out laughing from a text I tend to accidently spit on the people next to me while obnoxiously giggling like a school girl. Lol is like one of those people who always laughs at your jokes to try to be polite even when your not funny. 

People use lol in the most perplexing ways, example: when I tell my friend "I'm watching TV" and they respond "me too lol". What makes us watching TV separately so funny?

Another time that lol shouldn't be used is when your fighting with someone through texting. When someone responses to me "fine lol" I feel like their provoking me and I get even more angry. Inside my head I'm saying "Oh you think this is funny I'll show you." 

2. The Use of Ending a Sentence with a Period- I don't know who decided that the use of periods means that your angry with someone or your being short with them. Some days I want to end my sentences with a period. I just want some punctuation in my life people!

3. Smiley Faces- I never got this one. My roommates would always urge me (they have stopped thank god!) to send these smiley faces to guys I was talking to. I just felt creepy when I sent them because I felt like I was a disturbed old man saying "Want some candy?" 

I know it wasn't that serious but the sideways smile or worse the winky face never sat right with me.

4. Lying About Your Plans- This is a tricky one but a scenario many of us have to deal with. One night you end up not having plans and a guy or girl asks you what your doing for the night but your plans were to sit on your couch and eat the entire contents of your kitchen. 

Your already feeling like a loser so you end up lying to them saying something like your going out with your friends or you don't know anything yet. Anything other than the fact you don't have plans. 

Even though I sometimes lie I don't understand the point of lying were allowed to hangout home alone if we want or go party all the time. It's our choice we shouldn't have to lie because of others preconceived thoughts.

5. Waiting to Answer a Text- When I get a text and I see it I try to respond in a timely manner unless I forget which tend to happen a lot. Some people have a method were they wait how long the other person took to answer them back. I think that's silly because there wasting time waiting to answer when they could just be usig that time to talk to the person. 

Maybe I'll never understand the rules and that's why I will most likely be dubbed the worst texter for life lol totes ttly xoxo Adrianna

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