Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Liking Your Guy Friends

They see the best of you and they also see the worst of you. When your around them you don’t have to  try you can be yourself. The best part you were friends first before you started liking them.
Your feelings may come on suddenly or they might grow slowly but it happens you know. You know when you see them or hangout with them you want to be with them. But questions fill your head like What if he doesn’t like me or What if I ruin our friendship?
I have never liked any of my guy friends but one of my friends from school lets call her Alice started talking to one of our guy friends Tyler. It all started good with them hooking up but then it turned sour.  He told her he didn’t want a commitment but ended up leading her on for a long time.
As time went by Alice resented Tyler for stringing her along so she ended it. A week later Tyler had a new girlfriend after that moment things between our guy friends would never be the same. I felt like I had to pick a side and obviously I chose Alice’s side but I still cared about Tyler.
With picking one side I felt and still feel that my relationship with the boys went downhill because of that relationship. I’m not blaming either one of them for trying because what if it worked out we wouldn’t be having this conversation right now.
I feel like I can’t be friends with the guys because that shows her that I’m not being loyal to her feelings. It’s a catch 22 I’m damned either way whatever choice I make someone feelings will get hurt. I’m not going to stop being friends with Tyler and all the guys but I have to support my friend.
If your friend doesn’t understand you wanting to be friends with their enemy you need to look inside yourself and ask Is this someone you want to be friends with? Because if you can’t understand someone else’s reasons you should evaluate if you want this person in your life still.

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