As winter break is coming to an end I'm getting excited to go back to school but I'm less giddy about having to deal with the mess that my roommates cause. I live with six girls, half the house are neat and organized and the other half I don't really know what they do. But I know they absolutely do not clean up all the time. These are some of the things that happen when living with messy roommates.
1. Cleaning up every weekend after going out- As your slaving over the dishes and cleaning whatever mixed drink you had the night before your roommates aren't paying any attention. Instead they have been sitting on their butts for the past three hours watching Parks and Rec on Netflix.
Sometimes they have the nerve to ask me to get something for them like a drink.
These are the times that I think I'm on Punk'd and I want to scream out "Ashton where are you?" The reality is he never shows up but one day he might.
2. The Kitchen becomes a monster- When I say the kitchen takes on a unique form I'm not joking. What I mean by this is that my roommates are prone to leave their food for multiple days at a time. Food can sit on the stove, table, and even the floor there is no spot that my roommates won't try to leave their food. Some days I come down the stairs wondering if last weeks mac and cheese is going to be joining me for breakfast or if it's going to attack me in my sleep.
Not to mention it also smells rancid in there. Yes it is that bad. But after they smell their rotten food they like to comment how bad it smells as if it was me leaving my food out for the tooth fairy.
3. Borrowing things- I have learned this the hard way don't let your messy friends borrow your clothes. It will become the biggest hassle of your life because once your clothing goes into their jungle of a room it most likely won't see the light of day.
After you haven't seen your shirt in weeks you finally ask where is it and the response you get back is "You must have missed placed it." Yeah right is all I have to say.
5. You don't know how to tell people they need to clean- It is hard telling people they have to clean because then it makes it seem you are a cleaning nazi or have OCD or your just a bitch. And no one wants to be a bitch. You can say it nicely but it won't get your point across, your roommates would probably make fun of you if you left passive notes around the house, and if you yelled at them they would get mad.
I guess it's a lose lose situation. Have fun cleaning the dishes Cinderella!
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